Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HQ Pictures - DBS Ferropolis

Ana from PFF just wrote me a mail and let me know that she added some HQ of Chester and the guys performing in Ferropolis, Germany so I went over and added them ;) Thank you, girl ;)

(Click on the pictures to see them in FULL size, and I mean FULL size ;) )


  1. Hiiiiiiii,babe!
    OMG,I ADORE these pics!!!And I like the FULL size too:P I wish I could be there...

  2. Hi, I'm from Czech Republic and also I want write about Dead By Sunrise on my webblog http://out-of-ashes.blog.cz ..Yeah it's in my language Czech, but ..Can I cooperate with you? For example tips and news I seach on many english pages and we can switch the photo. My blog designe isn't complete because I began write in Sunday. So what you say on my offer? Please write its on my blog ..thanks LuKe
